Directions to Chesapeake Bay Sport Fishing

Bay Bridge Marina

337 Pier 1 Road - GS DOCK
Stevensville, MD 21666

From Annapolis & Points West:

The address above is to the marina office - NOT the direct boat location. Follow these directions to get directly to our boats. Take Route 50 East over Bay Bridge - Take 1st right on Route 8 South- Take 1st right at traffic light (Pier 1 Road). Take your 2nd left on Marina Club Road (follow signs towards Chesapeake Bay Beach Club/ Chesapeake Bay Sport Fishing). Make your 1st left into the grass area for parking. If you pass the grass area and see boats to your left on land - you went too far - turn around. Our boats are the ONLY charter boats in the marina located on (GS DOCK - in the corner) next to the travel lift wells. Our boats are on GS Dock - "Jessie Girl", "Net Profits", "Vagabond", "Kathy C" & "Retirement Fun".

Map to Bay Bridge Marina GS Dock